Our Services

About Us

What is Discover Health?

Discover Health is here to put you first. We are a premium health concierge service dedicated to holding your hand through every step of your healthcare journey.

What will my healthcare journey look like?

Your journey will start with one of our highly experienced doctors helping you to identify the type of care and treatment you may need and what you need to do to protect your health. Following this, we will talk you through your options whether this is surgery, medical treatment or fertility care and can then guide you in choosing the private healthcare which best suits your needs.

Our legal experts who are highly experienced with visa’s will then get to work to arrange any entry permission required.

Our transportation specialists will then arrange your travel with you comfort and ensuring everything runs smoothly being our top priority. We will ensure your health is protected every step of the way, to and from the location of your treatment, and can even provide a specialist doctor to accompany you during your travel if needed.

What about when I return home?

We want to ensure you gain the maximum health benefit from your private healthcare treatment abroad and will ensure that we follow your journey through to your return home where we will ensure any follow-up and rehabilitative care that is necessary for you is in place when you return home.

Why should I use Discover Health?

Whether you are seeking surgery, medical treatment, fertility treatment or psychological care we are here to help ensure your health journey is top quality, smooth running and hassle-free.

From accessing services from abroad to trying to avoid the lengthy NHS waiting lists, speak to us today and we can put together a health package tailored to your individual needs. Whilst a membership is available, we do not require you to sign up for a membership to access our services. Furthermore, we understand that healthcare can be expensive and we do have financing options available.

We know that your health is the most important thing in the world and our goal is to take the stress out of international health treatment to ensure you can concentrate on improving your well-being.


Specialist care

One of our doctors will speak to you virtually to identify your unique health needs in a dedicated, personalised consultation to ensure we have the full picture of what you require before proceeding on your healthcare journey. We have a list of highly recommended healthcare professionals that work with us to choose from but if we cannot find the right professional for you, we will endeavour to search for someone that does meet your needs.

Organise travel

We have an expert legal team who will review your case and organise any visa’s required, which can be one of the most stressful parts of accessing healthcare abroad. They will also ensure you are protected with insurance for every part of your journey from the healthcare to the actual travel itself.  


Our travel team will book your travel including flights, transportation to and from the airport and to and from appointments.  


We will also ensure that language is not a barrier, providing you with top-quality translation services for appointments, ongoing care and translation of any medical documents required.  

Follow-up care

Your journey with Discover Health only ends once we have ensured you are safely back in the comfort of your own home. We will ensure that where necessary, you have a medical professional accompanying you on your return journey. Furthermore, we understand that your healthcare journey continues after finishing with our services which is why we will ensure you have the correct follow-up care in place for when you return home. Whether this is having rehabilitative care, ongoing care with a doctor at home or needing a few more appointments to check on surgical wounds, we will make sure this is in place. We take our responsibility to you extremely seriously and want to give you the very best care.